With cybercriminals catching more unaware businesses and customers than ever before, domain name infringement and email scams are one of the biggest organisational challenges.
Watch a recording of our post ICANN72 webinar where we review the key discussion points from the Annual General Meeting
Protecting a brand involves understanding the relationship between domain names, trademarks, patents and copyrights – the four pillars of intellectual property. However, it is only relatively recently that domain names have become one of the major considerations for organisations compared to the fact that trademark legislation was first passed into English law in 1266!
It is important for any organisation to have a clear domain name strategy that not only defines the key geographies, and thus ccTLDs they need to have registrations in, as well as what IP protection mechanisms they have to provide defensive cover elsewhere.
There are two types of commercial entities in the world today. Those that know their intellectual property is being abused and those that don’t want to know. Technology has brought great opportunities for organisations to grow their global footprint cost-effectively and efficiently, but it has also increased the threat they face in the digital landscape.
Domains are critical digital assets for organisations. The value of them increases over time, especially those used for branding purposes. But sometimes things go wrong. The risk of cyber- and typo-squatting is a real threat to every organisation but in many cases, the greatest problems are the result of something happening, or not, much closer to home, as our seven deadly sins of domain registrations show.
Watch a recording of our post ICANN71 webinar where we review the key discussion points from the Virtual Policy Forum.
Andrew Lothian, Domain Consulting and ADR Director shares insight on formal domain name dispute resolution policies such as the UDRP, DRS, and ADReu.
Watch a recording of our post ICANN70 webinar where we review the key discussion points from the Virtual Community Forum.
WIPO’s Anti-Cybersquatting Service was involved in over 50,000 cases over 2020 and outlines the importance of domain name protection.