Corporate Social Responsibility to Environmental, Social & Governance

At Com Laude, we are proud that all our work is delivered within the framework of our Planet-Shaped Promise that, in everything we do, we strive to promote sustainability, inclusion and equality. We care deeply about the issues that shape society and the future of the planet. Our teams are diverse and engaged in our communities.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy (CSR) was launched over a decade ago with a consideration of the 3Ps of CSR – People, Planet & Profit:

In addition, we enhanced our CSR posture by incorporating Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) strategies and objectives into our business plans.

The result was a fresh commitment at all levels in Com Laude Group to making a positive impact. We de-centralized our efforts with the formation of a staff-led RISE Committee and an ECO Group. The Board commenced formal monitoring of our performance, so that we can understand impacts and outcomes.

Today CSR and ESG is at the heart of what we do.


Com Laude Inclusion and Diversity Policy

At Com Laude we integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders – our customers, employees, investors, suppliers, the community, and the environment.

All our work is delivered within the framework of our Planet-Shaped Promise that, in everything we do, we strive to promote sustainability, inclusivity and equality.

Com Laude commits to:

  • Developing our business towards ecological, social, and economic sustainability.
  • Making our offices, operations, and supply chains as sustainable as possible.
  • Working towards carbon neutral status for our operated activities worldwide, piloting new approaches to maintaining our offices, and promoting active and more sustainable lifestyles to our customers and employees.
  • Reassure customers and key stakeholders that our products and services are ethically and sustainably sourced.
  • Working closely with our suppliers to make sure that they respect human rights, promote decent working conditions, and improve sustainability across our supply base.
  • Respecting internationally recognised human rights in line with the principles and guidance contained in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  • Ensuring that our suppliers take a zero-tolerance approach to slavery, forced or compulsory labour or human trafficking.

Prevention of Pollution and Environmental Impact

Com Laude works to continuously reduce its environmental impact. Com Laude will work to build up experience and a good reputation with the environment regulators with regards to control of pollution.

Com Laude will ensure that these objectives are delivered by:

  • Reporting to the Operating and Statutory board on a quarterly/annual basis through our Rise committee (Inclusion and Diversity committee).
  • Group initiatives to reduce waste and packaging as much as practicably possible.
  • Actively seeking to reduce our carbon footprint through various Initiatives.

Com Laude Communities and Charity

Com Laude aims to create a positive impact in society and improve people’s lives wherever possible.

Com Laude encourages our employees to become involved in their local communities and conducts fundraising events from our offices to involve employees directly.

Com Laude will ensure these objectives are delivered by:

  • Com Laude supporting recognised charities via fundraising events and activities.
  • Encouraging employees to volunteer to help in local communities.
  • Appropriate engagement with local community groups.

Suppliers, Customers and Partners

Com Laude employees must practice honesty and integrity in every aspect of dealing with other employees, customers, suppliers, other business partners and communities.

Com Laude will ensure that these objectives are delivered by:

  • Recruitment, training, and development of staff with the highest level of integrity.
  • Communications through regular team meetings, guidance, and supervision.


Modern Slavery

Although Com Laude falls below the threshold under section 54 Modern Slavery Act 2015 which requires publication of a modern-day slavery statement, we fully understand our obligations to comply with this legislation. We consider matters of Slavery and Human Trafficking when entering into contractual arrangements as part of a zero-tolerance approach that aligns with our values and pass this requirement contractually down our supply chain.

For further information, contact any of the leaders of Com Laude.

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Com Laude works with brands to maximise their ability to do business online. We do this through strategic domain name management, protecting against cyber-attacks, and counteracting digital brand infringement. As part of this we are committed to providing secure, stable and resilient infrastructure and systems for our clients.


This policy applies to persons who identify vulnerabilities in our systems and who are not affiliated with Com Laude and its related corporate entities. If you are a client of ours, we recommend you contact your Domain Strategist.


For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply.

Com Laude System: any system that is owned, controlled or managed by the Com Laude Group, including its related corporate entities.

Finder: any legal or natural person who identifies a potential Vulnerability in the Com Laude System.

Reporter: the person who originates the message of a potential Vulnerability to Com Laude (often the same person as a Finder).

Vulnerability: a flaw or weakness in a system’s design, implementation, or operation and management that could be exploited to violate the system’s security policy.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you find a Vulnerability in a Com Laude System, we ask that you report it to us at straight away so that we can remediate the Vulnerability as quickly as possible. We ask that Finders and Reporters:

a. do not disclose the Vulnerability to any other party to mitigate the risk of others maliciously utilising the Vulnerability;
b. do not exploit a security issues that you discover for any reason;
c. make a good faith effort to avoid privacy violations and disruptions to others, including but not limited to unauthorised access to or destruction of data and interruption or degradation of our services; and
d. do not access user data or company data including but not limited to personally identifiable information and data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person as Finders and Reports are not authorised to do so.

When reporting a Vulnerability, we ask that you include screenshots, a description of the process you used to identify the Vulnerability, the time and date of discovery, and any other information that would allow us to replicate or otherwise verify the Vulnerability. After reporting a Vulnerability, we ask that Finders and Reporters do not engage in further scrutiny or exploitation of the Vulnerability.

Legal Action

We take cyber security seriously at Com Laude and always appreciate those who take the time to report Vulnerabilities. We will not take legal action against Finders or Reporters if they adhere to this policy and if:

a. they do not compromise the availability, security or privacy of Com Laude Systems; or
b. they have received prior written permission from Com Laude to engage in vulnerability or penetration testing and the identification of the Vulnerability is within the scope of our written permission.

This is contingent on Finders and Reporters:

a. Not violating any applicable laws or regulations; and
b. Not publicly sharing the Vulnerability or related details until Com Laude has remediated the Vulnerability. For the avoidance of doubt, this does not permit Finders or Reporters to share details of a Vulnerability unless Com Laude provides written permission in advance to do so.

Remediating the Vulnerability

Once we have verified the Vulnerability, we will follow our internal processes to remediate the Vulnerability. The time to develop and deploy a remediation for a Vulnerability will be on a case by case basis and will be based largely on our own internal categorisation of the impact and exploitability of the Vulnerability. We will inform you after we have deployed a remediation for the Vulnerability.

Public Awareness of Vulnerabilities

The majority of the Com Laude Systems are internal or client facing and not available to the public. In most instances we will only share the details of the Vulnerability with the affected parties, that is, our clients and staff. However, this will depend on the nature of the Vulnerability. For example, we would always disclose data breaches where required by law.

Diversity and Inclusion

Introducing the Com Laude Group RISE Committee

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