Events 2024

The Com Laude team attends events all over the world. Join us in 2024 for exciting events and opportunities to connect with us and meet our team to discuss your organisation’s brand strategy, domain portfolio, and learn about our services.


  • ICANN79 – Community Forum
    • Mar 02-07 in San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • CITMA Spring Conference
    • Mar 20-21 in London, UK
  • PTMG 103rd Conference and AGM (Spring 2024)
    • Mar 25-26 in Valencia, Spain


  • ICANN Contracted Parties Summit
    • May 06-09 in Paris, France
  • 2024 INTA Annual Meeting
    • May 18-22 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA


  • ICANN 80 – Policy Forum
    • Jun 10-13 in Kigali, Rwanda


  • 2024 Trademark Administrators & Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting
    • Sep 22-24 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  • 2024 MARQUES Annual Conference
    • Sep 24-27 in Stockholm, Sweden


  • PTMG Annual Conference (Autumn 2024)
    • Oct 16-19 in Valletta, Malta


  • ICANN 81 – Annual General Meeting
    • Nov 09-14 in Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2024 INTA Leadership Meeting
    • Nov 12-15 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA