
Role and responsibilities of the Registrant of .GOV.UK domain names

1. The Nominet privacy policy and data processing terms as set out in Nominet’s privacy notice at;

2. The Registry Operational Policies set out at;

3. The Domain Name Registration and Management Rules set out by the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) domain name registration and management rules at The Registry is ultimately owned by the CDDO, a part of the Cabinet Office;

4. You agree that the data within the registry will be shared with CDDO;

5. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Nominet and its subcontractors, and the directors, officers, employees, affiliates and agents of each of them, from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising out of or relating to your domain name registration. This indemnification obligation survives the termination or expiration of your contract for domain registration services with Com Laude;

6. You agree to comply with all operational standards, policies, procedures and practices of the Registry. In addition, you agree to:

(a) consent to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification and other processing of your personal data by Nominet and its designees and agents in a manner consistent with the purposes specified in Nominet’s data protection and privacy policies;

(b) submit to proceedings commenced under dispute resolution procedures, including, without limitation, the obligation to handle payments for renewals or restoration by the complainant in any proceeding in cases where the complainant prevails;

(c) provide accurate and correct registration information for the domain, and immediately correct and update the registration information for the domain during the registration term for the domain;

(d) acknowledge and agree that the Registry reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any domain name(s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, that it deems necessary, in its discretion; (1) to protect the integrity and stability of the registry; (2) to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, or any dispute resolution process; (3) to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Registry, as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and employees; (4) per the terms of your agreement with Com Laude or (5) to correct mistakes made by Registry or any registrar in connection with a domain name registration. Registry also reserves the right to place upon registry lock, hold or similar status a domain name during resolution of a dispute;

(e) acknowledge and agree that registrants are prohibited from distributing malware, abusively operating botnets, phishing, piracy, trademark or copyright infringement, fraudulent or deceptive practices, counterfeiting or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to applicable law, and further, that consistent with applicable law and any related procedures, any prohibited activity described herein may result in remedial measures including, but not limited to, the denial, cancellation or transfer of any registration or transaction, the placement of one or more registry lock functions on any domain name and the suspension of the domain name; and

(f) not use the domain name for any unlawful purpose.

7. You agree to subscribe to updates on the following CDDO pages:

8. You agree that you have read and accept the additional terms set out here (including but not limited to, the Role and responsibilities of the Registrant / Sub-Registrant sections):