
.dk Denmark

Should you wish to register .dk names with us or transfer .dk names to our management, the Registry Operator, Punktum dk A/S, imposes certain conditions. As set out in our Terms and Conditions, by placing an order with us you unconditionally agree to be bound by these conditions. You agree and acknowledge the .dk registry policies and conditions as set out below and updated from time to time:

  • Terms and conditions for the right of use to a .dk domain name: 
  • Personal data policy: 
  • By signing our terms, and instructing us to manage .dk domain names, you explicitly consent and authorise us to take certain action on your behalf (hereinafter “Registrar Management”), which include:
    • Make payments to Registry Operator in connection with a conclusion of an agreement on the right of use to a domain name and the renewal and extension thereof, and with a restoration of a domain name, which has been suspended, where this is possible according to the terms and conditions for the right of use to a .dk domain name;
    • Update your contact information: email address, telephone, telefax number and specified contact person if you are resident in Denmark and in addition postal address if you are resident outside Denmark;
    • Manage name servers: secure connection of at least two authoritative name servers, change name servers, attend to security measures, including about DNSSEC, register name servers on the domain name and optionally provide name server serve; and
    • Terminate your agreement on the right of use to the domain name.
  • By signing our terms, you acknowledge and agree that you may take certain actions yourself to manage the right of use to a domain name or to let us assist (hereinafter “Registrant Management”), which include:
    • Appoint us as billing contact for your domain names, which means that Registry Operator issues invoices to us;
    • Appoint us as proxy to act on your behalf, which includes: initiate change of name servers, attend to security measures, including about DNSSEC, change the registration period for a domain, replace the billing contact etc. A proxy does not have the right to terminate your agreement on the right of use to the domain and/or transfer your domain names or perform action that can otherwise give us access to terminate the agreement or transfer your domain name, including access to change your address or email address; and
    • Provide name server service and attend to security measures, including DNSSEC.
  • You acknowledge that you have a right to Registrar Management. You can withdraw your consent to us acting by using IT system provided by the Registry Operator.
  • It is your right to allow us to be your proxy and billing contact for your .dk domain names. Acting as proxy means that we take action on your behalf and we are registered as proxy in the Registry Operator’s IT systems. Acting as billing contact means that invoices are directed to us rather than you directly. You can withdraw your consent to us acting as your proxy or billing contact using such IT system.
  • Where you wish us to act as your registrar, billing contact or proxy for your .dk domain names, you hereby provide explicit consent that we can perform the role of proxy for such domain names.

Read more about Punktum dk A/S here: