Global Client-Shaped Domain Services

Com Laude Group’s headquarters is located in the ideal city for global domain name management: London, the world’s nexus for business, travel, and innovation.

Com Laude London

28 Little Russell Street

Phone: +44 (0)20 7421 8250
Fax: +44 (0)87 0011 8187

General enquiries:
Support enquiries:

Com Laude Eastbourne

Suite 3
The Workshop
Wharf Road
East Sussex
BN21 3FG

Phone: +44 (0) 2070524887
Fax: +44 (0)87 0011 8187

Com Laude Edinburgh

15 William Street
South West Lane

Phone: +44 1312260660

Com Laude Valencia

Edificio Epoca Calle Barcas, 2,
2nd floor 46002

+34 963 114251
+44 20 7101 9507
+44 20 7078 4177

Com Laude Seattle

Com Laude USA
1904 3rd Ave,
Suite 332 Seattle,
WA 98101
United States


Telephone: +1 (206) 531-7086

Com Laude Japan

1-3-21 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0033 Japan



M: +81 70 3277 2830

Client Support

We have a rota of team members who are available to provide you with assistance 24/7. Please send your urgent requests to as this is the email box which the team providing cover will be checking and don’t forget to copy in your Domain Strategists.

General support from the Com Laude team is provided during normal business hours (Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 17.30 UK time). We will acknowledge your email by the next working day.

Reporting abusive domains

If you suspect a domain name registered through us is being used for an abusive purpose, please contact with full details of the alleged abuse, including the domain name that you wish to report and your full contact details. We will review your report and respond appropriately. Please note that we reserve the right to forward your complaint in full to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we are only able to respond to requests written in English.

If you are a law enforcement agency wishing to report a domain name, please include the character string LEA, delimited by square brackets, thus: [LEA] in the subject line of your email and clearly include your agency details in the message content. We will refer any emails falsely claiming to be from a Law Enforcement Agency to that agency for further investigation, so please do not include this information if sending in a non-law enforcement capacity. If you have any other queries, praise or complaints, your first point of call is your client manager or  If you have an issue that has not been resolved within two working days please contact; we will respond within one working day.

Other queries or complaints

If you have any other queries, praise or complaints, your first point of call is your client manager or  If you have an issue that has not been resolved within two working days please contact; we will respond within one working day.

If you'd like to get in touch please fill in the contact form and we'll get back to you shortly.